2012 Ph.D. MICROBIOLOGY, Arizona State University, Center for Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology, Biodesign Institute and School of Life Sciences, Tempe, Arizona. USA. Tutor: Roy Curtiss III, Ph.D.
2003 M.Sc. MICROBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Institute of Biology, Valparaíso, Chile. Tutor: James Robeson, Ph.D.
2000 MARINE BIOLOGIST. Universidad Católica del Norte, School of Marine Biology, Center for Marine Research, Coquimbo, Chile. Tutor: Claudio Miranda, Ph.D.
1997 BSc OCEAN SCIENCES. Honours, First Class, Universidad Católica del Norte, Center for Marine Research, Coquimbo, Chile.
Investigating the Molecular Mechanisms of Bacterial-Fish Host Interaction
Multi Species Innovation in NL: Lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) and Spotted Wolffish (Anarhichas minor).
Improving resistance of farmed Atlantic cod to francisellosis: interplay between host-pathogen interactions, environment, and genetics
My current research is related to fundamental immunity and microbial pathogenesis, design, construction, and evaluation of vaccines in agriculturally important marine animals. The research topics are in the context of marine finfish aquaculture including cellular and organism models of infectious diseases for lumpfish, cunners, and Atlantic salmon. Bacterial fish host interaction, genomics and transcriptomics, host immune response to infectious diseases and vaccines, and selection of cleaner fish resistant to infectious diseases are the studied topics. I also contribute to aspects related to bacteriophage biology and prophylaxis, phytopathogens, marine oil bioremediation, and risk mitigation in the aquaculture industry. I collaborate with the aquaculture industry, pharma industry, international research institutions, and government agencies to promote sustainable marine food production.
- Marine Microbiology-Fall (OCS3600), Department of Ocean Sciences/Department of Biology, Memorial University
- Immunobiology of Marine Organisms-Winter (OCSC4940), Department of Ocean Sciences, Memorial University
- Immunology and Diseases of Aquatic Organisms-Winter (OCSC7500), Department of Ocean Sciences, Memorial University
- Introduction to Practical Ocean Sciences-Spring (OCSC2500), Department of Ocean Sciences, Memorial University
- Practical Approaches in Molecular Marine Sciences-Spring (OCSC4945), Department of Ocean Sciences, Memorial University
Selected Peer-Reviewed Research Contributions (Last 2 years; high qualified personnel supervised by Dr. Santander underlined; *corresponding author; https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=-tY9jQMAAAAJ&hl=en)
- Cao, T., S. Chakraborty, A. Hossain, H. Gnanagobal, M. Dang, I. Vasquez, N. O’Brien, D. Boyce, J. Santander*. 2025. Development of an effective vaccine against Vibrio anguillarum for lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus). Fish Shellfish Immunol. 8: March 2025, 110133
- Aliaga-Tobar, V., R. Arias-Carrasco, A. Isla, J. Santander, Vinicius Maracaja-Coutinho*, A. J. Yañez*. 2025. Exploring the regulatory landscape of non-coding RNAs in aquaculture bacterial pathogens: Piscirickettsia salmonis and Francisella noatunensis. Aquaculture 594:741356
- Gendron, R.L.*, R. R. Kwabiah, H. Paradis, D. Tucker, D. Boyce,J. Santander. 2024. Novel application of non-invasive methodological approaches in biomedical sciences toward better understanding of marine teleost ocular health and disease. J. Fish. Dis.
- Emam, M.*, S. Kumar, K. Eslamloo, A. Caballero-Solares, J. Hall, X. Xue, H. Paradis, R. L. Gendron, J. Santander, M. L. Rise*. 2024. Transcriptomic response of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) head kidney to viral mimic: a focus on interferon regulatory factors. Frontiers in Immunology 15:https://doi.org/10.3389/fimmu.2024.1439465
- Hossain, A., H. Gnanagobal, T. Cao, S. Chakraborty, J. Chukwu-Osazuwa, M. Soto-Dávila, I. Vasquez, J. Santander*. 2024. Role of Cold Shock Protein B and D in Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida Physiology and Virulence. Infection and Immunity. e00011-24 https://doi.org/10.1128/iai.00011-24
- Kwabiah, R. R., E. Weiland, I. Vasquez, H. Paradis, S. Henderson, D. Tucker, I. Dimitrov, D. Gardiner, S. Tucker, N. Newhook, D. Boyce, G. Scapigliati, S. Kirby, J. Santander, R. L. Gendron*. 2024. Increased ocean water temperature drives an inherent chondrogenesis response in eyes of spotted wolffish. Scientific Reports. 14:12508
- Murphy, L., R. Kwabiah, R. Wade, T. Osmond, D. Tucker, D. Boyce, J. Vance, T. Cao, V. I. Machimbirike, H. Gnanagobal, I. Vasquez, J. Santander, R. L. Gendron*. 2024. Systematic comparative analysis of ocular features and responses of cultured North Atlantic lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) and spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor). J. Fish Diseases. 00:e13959
- Sajid, Z., A. K. Gamperl, C. C. Parrish, S. Colombo, J. Santander, C. Mather, B. Neis, I. M. Holmen, R. Filgueira, C. H. McKenzie, L. S. Cavalli, M. Jeebhay, W. Gao, M. A. López-Gómez, C. Ochs, S. Lehnert, C. Couturier, C. Knott, J. F. Romero, A. Caballero-Solares, A. Cembella, H. M. Murray, I. Fleming, J. Finnis, M. D. Fast, M. Wells, G. Singh*.. 2024. An aquaculture risk model to understand the causes and consequences of mass mortality events (MMEs). Reviews in Aquaculture 1-22; DOI: 10.1111/raq.12917
- Gnanagobal H.*, S. Chakraborty, I. Vasquez, J. Chukwu-Osazuwa, T. Cao, A. Hossain, M. Dang, K. Valderrama, S. Kumar, G. Bindea, S, Hill, D. Boyce, J. Hall, J. Santander*. 2024. Transcriptome profiling of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) head kidney to Renibacterium salmoninarum at early and chronic infection stages. Developmental and Comparative Immunology (2024), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dci.2024.105165.
- Leeuwis, R.H.J.*, J.R. Hall, F.S. Zanuzzo, N. Smith, K.A. Clow, S. Kumar, I. Vasquez, F.W. Goetz, S.C. Johnson, M.L. Rise, J. Santander, A.K. Gamperl*. 2024. Climate change can impair bacterial pathogen defenses in fish via hypoxia-mediated effects on adaptive immunity. Developmental and Comparative Immunology DCI 105161.
- Chakraborty, S., H. Gnanagobal, A. Hossain, T. Cao, I. Vasquez, D. Boyce, J. Santander*. 2024. Inactivated Aeromonas salmonicida suppress humoral and cell-mediated Immunity of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus). J. Fish Diseases 00, e13944DOI: 10.1111/jfd.13944
- Ghasemieshkaftaki, M., T. Cao, A. Hossain, I. Vasquez, J. Santander*. 2024. Haemato-immunological response of immunized Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) to Moritella viscosa challenge and antigens. Vaccines 12(1), 70; https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines12010070
- Onireti, O.B., T. Cao, I. Vasquez, J. Chukwu-Osazuwa, H. Gnanagobal, A. Hossain, V.I. Machimbirike, Y. Hernandez-Reyes, A. Khoury, A. Khoury, N. O'Brien, S. George, A. Swanson, R. L. Gendron, R. Kwabiah, D. Tucker, J. Monk, J. Porter, D. Boyce, J. Santander*. 2023. Evaluation of an autogenous Vibrio anguillarum vaccine in lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) under controlled and field conditions. Frontiers in Aquaculture doi: 10.3389/faquc.2023.130650
- Ghasemieshkaftaki M., I. Vasquez, A. Eshraghi, A. K. Gamperl, J. Santander*. 2023. Comparative Genomics Analysis of a Novel Vibrio sp Isolated from an Ulcer Disease Event in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar). Microorganisms 11:1736
- Machimbirike, V.I., I. Vasquez, T. Cao, J. Chukwu-Osazuwa, O. Onireti, C. Segovia, P. Khunrae, T. Rattanarojpong, M. Booman, S. Jones, M. Soto-Davila, B. Dixon, J. Santander*. 2023. Comparative genomic analysis of virulent Vibrio (Listonella) anguillarum serotypes revealed genetic diversity and genomic signatures in the O-antigen biosynthesis gene cluster. Microorganisms 11(3):792.
- Gnanagobal, G., T. Cao, A. Hossain, I. Vasquez, S. Chakraborty, J. Chukwu-Osazuwa, D. Boyce, M. J. Espinoza, V. Garcia, J. Santander*. 2023. Role of Riboflavin Biosynthesis Gene Duplication and Transporter in Aeromonas salmonicida Virulence in Marine Teleost Fish. Virulence 14(1):2187025.
- Vásquez, J., J. Retamales, B. Parra, V. I. Machimbirike, J. Robeson*, J. Santander*. 2023. Genomic analysis of a polyvalent bacteriophage FP01. Virology 15(2):379.
Selected Research Funding (last 6 years)
2024-26 Exxon-Mobil, Canada.Modelling the Fate of CO2 in the Marine Environment from Accidental Releases and Characterizing Biological Impacts. PI: Javier Santander; Funds: $768,750.00
2024-25 Genome BC - University of Victoria. The Sablefish Solution. PI: John Taylor, Co-PI: Javier Santander; Funds: $24,000.00
2024-26 Memorial University of Newfoundland, Seed, Bridge and Multidisciplinary Fund. SENTINEL: Sensor development for early detection of pathogens in aquaculture. PI: Javier Santander; Co-PI: Jaime Soto-Neira. Total funds: $10,000.00
2024-26 Atlantic Fisheries Funds. Multi Species Innovation in NL: Lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) and Spotted Wolffish (Anarhichas minor). PI: Javier Santander, Co-PI: Danny Boyce, Knut Trellevik, Bjorn Apeland; Total funds: CAD $800,000 2022-24 Atlantic Canada Opportunity Agency.
Enhancing the ocean sciences centre’s research and training capacity: strategic investment in aquaculture and the health, biodiversity and productivity of Canada's northwest Atlantic. PI: Kurt Gamperl; Co-PI: Javier Santander, Danny Boyce, Matthew Rise, Uta Passow, Annie Mercier, Pat Gagnon, Ian Fleming, Iain McGaw, Chris Parrish; Total funds: CAD $2,198,749.00
2023-25 Atlantic Fisheries Funds. Addressing the challenges faced by Atlantic salmon at cold temperatures. PI: Kurt Gamperl; Co-PI: Javier Santander; Total funds: CAD $1,071,800.00
2023-24 CCORE-Exxon-Mobil. Assessment of injection of natural gas into seawater for the Flemish pass. PI: Vandad Talimi; Co-PI: Javier Santander; Total funds: CAD $ 93,750.00
2022-23 MITACS, Lab2Market Program. Assessing market for marine yeasts in aquafeeds, brewing, baking, by-products, and pharmaceuticals Canadian industries. PI: Javier Santander; Co-PI: Joy Chukwu-Osazuwa; Total funds: CAD $15,000.00
2022-27 FRANTIC-Research Council of Norway. Improving resistance of farmed Atlantic cod to francisellosis: interplay between host-pathogen interactions, environment, and genetics. PI: Anne Kettunen; Co-PI: Javier Santander; Total funds: CAD$ 1,762,299.23
2022-23 Canadian Center for Fisheries and Innovation. Spotted Wolffish (Anarhichas minor) – Refining and Validating Best Practices for Juvenile Production Technologies and Initiating an Aquatic Animal Health Surveillance Program PI: Javier Santander; Co-PI: Danny Boyce, Knut Trellevik, Bjorn Apeland; Total funds: CAD $304,719.90
2023-24 Canadian Center for Fisheries and Innovation. Cleaner Fish Health 2.0: Refinement and Validation of Lumpfish Resistant to Infectious Diseases and Polyvalent Vaccine. PI: Javier Santander; Co-PI: Danny Boyce, Andrew Swanson; Total funds: CAD $117,250.00
2021-22 MITACS, Lab2Market Program, Assessing market for the finfish vaccines. PI: Javier Santander; Co-PI: Ahmed Hossain; Total funds: CAD $15,000.00
2021-27 New Frontier in Research Fund - Transformation 2020, Repurposing marine by-products or raw materials for the development and production of functional foods and bioactives to improve human health and coastal community sustainability. PI: Raymond Thomas; Co-Applicant: Javier Santander; Christopher Parrish, Matt Rise, +9; Total funds: CAD $15,828,523.00; Direct funds: CAD $600,000
2020-23 Canadian Center for Fisheries and Innovation. Addressing the Challenges Faced by Atlantic Salmon at Cold Temperature. PI: Kurt Gamperl; Co-PI: Javier Santander, Andrew Swanson; Total funds: CAD $336,800.00
2020-23 Canadian Center for Fisheries and Innovation. Field Vaccine Trial and Selection of Cleaner Fish Resistant to Infectious Diseases. PI: Javier Santander; Co-PI: Danny Boyce, Andrew Swanson; Total funds: CAD $207,000.00
2020-26 Researcher Project - HAVBRUK2, Norway. Understanding Tenacibaculum virulence factors to control the disease in farmed fish; PI: Anne Tøndervik; Co-applicant: Javier Santander; Total funds: CAD $1,832,858.64
2020-22 Compute Canada – Renewal- Resources for Research Groups Omics approaches to improve sustainability and mitigate challenges of aquaculture. PI: Javier Santander; Total funds $10,578
2020-21 Compute Canada – Resources for Research Groups Omics approaches to improve sustainability and mitigate challenges of aquaculture. PI: Javier Santander; Total funds $10,578
2020-22 Ocean Frontier Institute, Seed-Grant. Omics approaches for prevention and control of infectious disease in cleaner fish using blood derived exosomes. PI: Surendra Kumar; Collaborator: Javier Santander; Total funds: $15,000.00
2020-21 Medical Research Foundation. Investigation of ocular extramedullary hematopoiesis during development. PI: Bob Gendron; Collaborator: Javier Santander; Total funds $20,000
2019-20 Canadian Center for Fisheries and Innovation. Evaluation of novel antibiofilm products for marine aquaculture applications. PI: Javier Santander; Total funds $89,930
2019-22 Atlantic Fisheries Funds. Cleaner Fish – An Innovative and Green Technology for our Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture Industry. PI: Dr. Garth Fletcher; Co-Applicants: Javier Santander, Danny Boyce; Total funds: CAD $1,995,215.50
2019-22 Genome Canada RP3. Whole Genome Sequencing and Transcriptome Profiling in Response to the Vaccination of Cleaner Fish Cyclopterus lumpus and Tautogolabrus adspersus. PI: Javier Santander; Total funds: CAD $1,115,000.00
2018-19 Canada First-Ocean Frontier Institute – Seed Grant. Climate Change Influences on Marine Bacterial Pathogens: Temperature and Iron linked to Virulence and Vaccinology. PI: Javier Santander, Direct funds: $15,000
2018-24 NSERC Discovery Grant competition # RGPIN-2018-05942. Investigating the Molecular Mechanisms of Bacterial-Fish Host Interaction. PI: Javier Santander. Direct Funds: $210,000.00
2018-19 Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Fisheries and Land Resources. Study to evaluate vaccines use for lumpflsh utilized for Sea Lice control in NL salmon aquaculture. Contract-Service, OSC-JBARB. Lead: Danny Boyce; Co-lead: Javier Santander. Direct Funds: $20,000.
2017-19 Memorial University of Newfoundland, Seed, Bridge and Multidisciplinary Funds #210255 50000 2000. Grant. Proof of concept: Bio-contained live Aeromonas salmonicida vaccine against furunculosis. PI: Javier Santander, Direct funds: $10,000.00
2018-20 Canada First-Ocean Frontiers Institute #212188 59000 2000 – J.3.6. Memorial University - University of Prince Edward Island. Developing Sustainable Control Measures for Pathogens of Cultured Fishes. Sub-leads: Javier Santander and Dr. Jillian Wescott. Direct funds: $148,375 .00
2017-24 Canada First-Ocean Frontiers Institute #248000 59000 2000 – J.3.4. Memorial University - University of Prince Edward Island. Developing Sustainable Control Measures for Pathogens of Cultured Fishes. Sub-lead: Javier Santander, Direct funds: $418,175.00
2017-19 Vitamin initiative-Ocean Frontiers Institute #211814-59000 2000. Memorial University. The effect of vitamins on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) macrophage immune response to bacterial pathogens of fish. PI: Javier Santander, Co-PI: Matthew Rise. Direct funds: $100,000.00
2016‐19 Genome Canada Genomics Applications Partnership Program (GAPP). Integrated Pathogen Management of Co-infection in Atlantic Salmon (IPMC), MUN‐UPEI‐Cargill. Collaborator. $4.5M total ($1.5M from Genome Canada, $2.2M from Cargill Innovation, 0.8M other co-funding). Academic PI: Matthew Rise; Industry PI: Richard Taylor (Cargill). Collaborator: Javier Santander
2014‐17 Genome Canada Genomics Applications Partnership Program (GAPP). Biomarker Platform for Commercial Aquaculture Feed Development Project. Academic PI: Matthew Rise; Industry PI: Richard Taylor (Cargill). Collaborator: Javier Santander
2016-19 Research & Development Corporation (RDC) of Newfoundland and Labrador. R&D-Ignite Project #5404.2113.10. Vaccine Strategies Against Bacterial Pathogens in Lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. PI: Javier Santander; Total funds: CAD$100,000.00